Company Name

  • English:Central China New Life Limited
  • Chinese:建業新生活有限公司

Company Secretary

  • Mr. Tam Kok Ching

Company Registered Office

  • Cricket Square
  • Hutchins Drive
  • P.O. Box 2681
  • Grand Cayman KY1-1111
  • Cayman Islands

Principal Place of Business and Headquarters in China

  • Room411,Block 2
  • JJianye Offce Building Nongye East Road
  • Zhengzhou City Henan Province
  • the PRC

Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong

  • Room A122B, 16/F
  • Tower 5, The Gateway
  • Harbour City
  • Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HK
Board of Directors
Executive Directors
Mr. Wang Jun (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Ms. Dai JiLing(Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Directors)
Mr. Shi Shu Shan
Non-executive Directors
Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. Leong Chong
Ms. Luo Laura Ying
Ms. Xin Zhu
Board Committees
Audit Committee
Ms. Xin Zhu (Chairman)
Mr. Leong Chong
Ms. Luo Laura Ying
Remuneration Committee
Ms. Luo Laura Ying (Chairman)
Mr. Leong Chong
Mr. Wang Jun
Nomination Committee
Mr. Wang Jun (Chairman)
Mr. Leong Chong
Ms. Xin Zhu

Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office in the Cayman Islands

  • Conyers Trust Company (Cayman) Limited
  • Cricket Square
  • Hutchins Drive
  • P.O. Box 2681
  • Grand Cayman KY1-1111
  • Cayman Islands

Hong Kong Share Registrar

  • Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
  • Shops 1712-1716
  • 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre
  • 183 Queen's Road East
  • Wanchai, Hong Kong